Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Actors:  Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Gary Oldman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Matthew Modine
Rating:  10 out of 10, Two nights in a row watching Oldman and Hardy with a dose of Bale thrown in this time.  I’m probably one of the few that didn’t think The Dark Knight, the second movie in the trilogy, was a transcendent movie.  I did enjoy it but never elevated it to the pantheon of movie excellence most fans seemed to have placed it.  Heath Ledger was riveting as the Joker but the movie didn’t connect with me.  I actually liked The Dark Knight Rises much more because it allows Bale to complete the arc of his Bruce Wayne/Batman character instead of making illogical but well meaning decisions as he did in the second film.  The supporting cast in this newest movie was incredibly strong, a hallmark of this series.  The only miss in the cast was Modine who was terrible and completely unbelievable.  Luckily he was rescued by the addition of Gordon-Leavitt who has gone chameleon on us, changing his personae and physical aspect with each new role – (expect very big things from him in future).  There were a couple of issues with the middle third of the movie, ad hoc spinal surgery in a 3rd world prison to mention one and a bizarre battle plan for the climatic confrontation as another.  The movie also wastes Tom Hardy who is unrecognizable and completely masked as the villain Bane.  Hardy is a really good actor but his part could have been played by a stuntman because of the mechanical voice and face covering breathing mask – complete waste of talent there.  Hathaway on the other hand, who reminds me so much of my daughter, is pitch perfect as Catwoman.  She is one of those rare actors that portrays emotions in just a glance.  The ending was pitch perfect – just a great movie.  I absolutely loved this movie and could not believe how fast the 2+ hours sped by.
MVP:  Hathaway as an extremely multi-layered Catwoman, sexy, smart, tough and vulnerable – makes you forget Pfeiffer’s take – no mean task

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