Thursday, February 2, 2012

In Time

Actors:  Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Cillian Murphy, Alex Pettyfer, Vincent Kartheiser
Rating:  7 out of 10, interesting concept that was a little thin to base an entire movie on.  The biggest revelation in this movie is that Timberlake has actually become an actor.  Here everyone stops aging at 25 but then have only one year of life left.  Time is the currency of the society with the rich blessed with hundreds of years while the poor live, literally day to to day.  Timberlake's character comes into possession of a hundred years which brings him into the sights of both the police force, called timekeepers, and the criminal element.  He hooks up with rich kid Seyfried and then spends the rest of the movie falling in love and running from place to place trying to get more time.  Seyfried is almost unrecognizable in a short red wig but she and Timberlake make an interesting pair.  Murphy plays a relentless timekeeper in hot pursuit while Pettyfer is the head criminal.  Since everyone looks 25 there are some interesting asides such as when Timberlake meets Seyfried alongside her mother and grandmother and they all look the same age; Wilde in a very small part plays Timberlake's mother.  I like that Timberlake doesn't try to over emote as most singer wanna be actors do.  He is very impressive in this and carries the movie effortlessly.  He more than holds his own in his scenes with Murphy who is a very talented actor.  As I said above, great concept but by the end of the movie it feels really stretched; I liked it but felt it could have been more.
MVP:  Timberlake as the hero Will Salas emerging as a fine actor in his own right

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