Thursday, December 22, 2011

Resident Evil: Afterlife

Actors:  Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Kim Coates, Wentworth Miller, Shawn Roberts
Rating:  7 out of 10, this movie has flashes where it is actually interesting but for the most part it was used a vehicle for moving the "story" forward and getting rid of the extra Alices left over from the last film.  There were some really poor choices in casting, the worst being Miller as a long lost brother to Larter.  He was good in a TV show a few years ago but he appeared totally lost in this movie.  You know he's a bad actor when Jovovich is acting circles around you.  The Alice character had become almost too cartoonish in the recent movies so they take away her super powers in this one.  She's still a bad ass but I think this was a move in the right direction.  This is really more like three episodes of bad TV than a major motion picture.  As is the case in too many movies they lose sight of the plot just so they can showcase some cool 3D technology.  I've said before, the best science fiction is when they focus on the people and their story instead of the effects.  This movie tries to do that but the actors are not up to task and there are too many tangents.  This movie was definitely a bridge to the next movie where I hear they're bringing Sienna Guillory as Jill Valentine back - that should definitely help.  This movie was still enjoyable - if for no other reason than the fight scenes which are really well done.
MVP:  Jovovich as the indestructible Alice still kicks ass

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