Friday, May 18, 2012

Mary Poppins

Actors:  Julie Andrews. Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Jane Darwell
Rating:  7 out of 10, this was one of the seminal movies from the time I first saw it when I was nine years old.  I had not seen it in decades, literally.  I bought it on a whim while I was cruising through Amazon and finally got around to watching it last night.  It’s funny what sticks with you from movies you saw as a child.  There were a lot of scenes that I clearly remember, the bank, scene, the chimney sweeps, and that supercalifragilouos song but there was so much more that I didn’t remember.  I certainly didn’t remember that there were so many songs and I marveled that this movie kept my attention because of that.  So many of these songs keep repeating in your mind after you hear them.  Andrews was perfect for the part and she made a great team with Van Dyke who was so much better that I remembered.  The biggest impression the movie made with me now was the astounding level of special effects achieved given that this was 1964.  It certainly spoke volumes about Disney’s creativity back then.  I especially remembered and was rewarded by the Feed the Birds segment which featured one of the great faces in movie history in her last role, Jane Darwell.  The movie was made for and still is for children but it was a nice visit to nostalgia land.  Now if I can just get that damned Chim Chiminee Chiminee song out of my head. 
MVP:  Van Dyke as the omnipresent Bert but also the aged bank president

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