Tuesday, September 24, 2019

John Wick 3: Parabellum

Actors: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, Laurence Fishburne, Mark Dacascos, Asia Kate Dillon, Lance Reddick, Anjelica Huston, Ian McShane.
Rating: 10 out of 10, You really have to credit how much mileage the filmmakers have gotten out of the melancholy hit man prone to cartoon level violence. I should have bought an interest in whatever company makes the blood squibs for the movie industry. That mileage has been attained by keeping the story fresh and achieving significant forward momentum. A large dose of the credit should also be given to Mr. Reeves who draws you into his world and makes you share every punch he takes despite his seeming indestructability. This movie picks up where the last one left off with John running to meet his fate at the hands of a virtual army of assassins. The body count meet the usual “Wickian” standard but, once again, doesn’t feel stale, although I could have done without the close-up of the knife puncturing the eyeball (yep – John Friggin Wick). Wick starts out the movie by proving the power of the written word against a massive opponent. The dogs also finally get a piece of the action which, along with Halle Berry, makes for one of the most entertaining action sequences ever. New York City should get billing as a supporting actor as most of the killing is done there and at the mythical hotel for criminals where the climatic scenes take place. We are also brought further into the murky world of the higher power that’s after Wick because his sins of the second movie. Keeping things interesting, the androgynous actor/ress from Billions appears as adjudicator and did everything in his/her power to set her/himself up as target #1 (probably more 1A) in John Wick 4, because that’s going to happen. This has been way too much fun to stop now. Reeves may look a little weary but he’s found the role that will define him and he’s awesome.
MVP: There can be only one John Wick – Keanu, of course

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