Friday, October 30, 2015

Run All Night

Actors: Liam Neeson, Joel Kinnaman, Common, Ed Harris, Nick Nolte
Rating: 8 out of 10, Liam Neeson and Ed Harris as aging New York City Irish mobsters – never a bad bet. Their characters grew up as brothers and Neeson served as Harris’ designated assassin. The toll on Neeson’s soul was palatable as he’s become a drunken has been when the movie starts. They both have adult sons who are brought into conflict through a gaping plot hole but that, at least, allows the action to kick into high gear. Neeson sheds his alcoholic haze as soon as his son is threatened and proceeds to go all Brian Mills on legions of overweight Irish thugs while at the same time dodging the police as well as Common as a laser designated assassin sent after them. The action is pretty much non-stop after the catalyzing scene and while that is worthwhile you should see this movie for the scenes between Neeson and Harris. Both actors are in top form and you get a real sense of two old friends who reluctantly allow the mobster “guy code” to fracture their close relationship. This is definitely a “guy flick” as there are no female characters allowed any depth whatsoever. As with any action movie there are times when you have to suspend disbelief, such as how Neeson could be falling down drunk in the late afternoon transforming into the Millsian killing machine by early evening. Good movie with a lot of depth, all of it supplied by Harris and Neeson

MVP: Neeson, who else, as Jimmy Conlon, the father-assassin protecting his son

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