Monday, January 5, 2015

Brick Mansions

Actors:  Paul Walker, David Belle, RZA, Catalina Dennis, Ayisha Issa
Rating:  7 out of 10, I think this movie would have gone directly to DVD instead of the theaters if not for Walker's death. It’s a Luc Besson (whom I love) product so there was a lot of action as well as French speaking actors trying unsuccessfully to hide their accents as Detroit politicians. Since this was set in the future maybe the Québécois migrated south to fill the vacuum that is Detroit since the Americans gave up on it. The nasty bits of Detroit are surrounded by a huge wall and the action involves Walker as a driven cop assisted by a parkour dude trying to take down RZA (who seems to be channeling Elmer Fudd with a pronounced lisp) who stumbled upon a neutron bomb (because those are just lying around). The plot is more than silly and boasts a fairly high unintentional comedy level but is rescued by David Belle. The movie is worth seeing just to see this guy bouncing all over the urban landscape with incredible parkour moves. It’s always a stretch for Walker to play a tough guy as it is here but Belle is mesmerizing to watch. It was like Cirque de Soleil on amphetamines cross bred with martial arts. It was also Besson so the action just rocked while not making a lot of sense, I loved it
MVP:  Belle, of course, as the nimble Lino

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