Friday, December 14, 2012


Actors:  Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Giovanni Ribisi, Joel Mchale, Seth Macfarlane, Sam Jones
Rating:  9 out of 10, This movie was an absolute riot, so funny on so many levels. The story of a teddy bear that comes to life and bonds with a Boston loser with an incredibly hot girlfriend.  It was vulgar, insulting and just delightful. It takes a really smart script to make vulgar tolerable and funny and this film accomplishes that nearly impossible task. There are some incredibly funny cameos which I also love. It was irreverent, poked fun at itself,  and even had a huge connection to the 1970s Flash Gordon movie (another guilty pleasure). This was one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in a very long time.  Kunis has quietly evolved into a real screen presence and can handle comedy as well as drama which is not easy.  All the actors deserve some credit here because the acting with the computer generated main character was seamless and made you believe Ted was really there.  Some of the funniest bits in this movie are the Boston inside jokes which are hilarious.  I also liked the familiar Boston settings.  This wasn’t as funny the second time around but there were a lot of one line zingers that I missed the first time through as well.  This is certainly not Shakespeare but it is extremely funny, if in a guilty pleasure type of way.
MVP:  Kunis as Lori, Wahlberg’s love interest and bane of Ted

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